Welcome to Fyldesport.org
Fyldesport originally ran from 2004 to 2013, mainly covering The Blackpool & Fylde Sunday Football Alliance. Now it’s back! We have recovered the vast majority of articles and photographs from those years for your enjoyment.
If you played local football during that time we probably have images and descriptions of you on here. So, breathe in, squeeze on that old pair of shorts and enjoy some great memories.
Send Us Your Archives
We welcome old sports photos from The Fylde Coast. Send them in to us by emailing info@fyldesport.org.
For large files use the free service from wetransfer.com
Thanks to Blackpool company CGain Web Design & SEO for the retrieval of all the archives and for putting them all together again on this website.
Do A Search
Use the search icon at the top or the box here to search for your name or team name. It works!
Have You Tried Walking Football Yet?
Walking Football is now one of the fastest growing sports in the UK. Invented for older players, there is no running and no tackling from behind or the side. It is safe for over-50s to continue playing the sport they love.
Blackpool Senior Seasiders Walking Football Club are based from Common Edge Community Sports Village and run two ‘Recreational Sessions‘ per week. Tuesdays 4-5pm and Fridays 1-2pm.
The club runs teams for competitive fixtures, with Over 50s, Over 60s, Over 65s, Over 70s and Over 75s teams.
If you’re a former player, come and try a session for free. You’ll find many old friends from the BFSFA there.